Moroccan Vegetable Balls with Cous Cous and Minty Yoghurt
- Published 14th Dec 20
- Categories Recipe

Succulent vegetable balls with notes of cinnamon, cumin and coriander.
Difficulty: Easy
Serves: 10
- Moroccan vegetable balls – 30
- Cous cous – 1k
- Vegan butter – 100g
- Onion – 1
- Chilli powder – 20g
- Mint – 150g
- Parsley – 50g
- Lemon – 2
- Natural soy yoghurt – 400g
- Place the vegetable balls on a tray and cook in the oven as per manufacturer’s instructions
- Peel and finely dice the onion and fry in a little butter
- Add the required amount of water to the cous cous, cover and leave to stand
- Wash 1 lemon and grate the zest, squeeze the juice of both lemons
- Wash, dry and chop the herbs
- Add the butter, lemon zest, half of the lemon juice, fried onion, parsley and half the chopped mint to the cous cous
- In a separate bowl add the yoghurt, lemon juice and remaining mint and mix well
- Serve the vegetable balls on top of the cous cous and top with the minty yoghurt